Welcome to Realty ONE Group Integrity in Tucson
Login: http://one.zone
Username: firstname.lastname (all lower case, contrary to the Welcome email)
Password: Setup by zONE – we can reset it for them if they can’t get in
Support: support@realtyonegroup.com
Note: Download the ONE extension for their browser when it asks. Will allow for single sign on (SSO)
Login: zONE app dashboard, ONE Login extension, or http://skyslope.com
Username: SSO from zONE or if through website, it is the same email as in zONE
Password: SSO from zONE or they create a password from the website when we send the reset password email
Support: Inside Skyslope – icon with the headset in top right corner. Also, 24/7 chat, videos, and animated directions at http://support.skyslope.com
Notes: Zipform and Digisign is integrated. Allows to fill out contract paperwork, have it electronically signed and the file returned all within the system.
We are glad you chose to be a part of Realty ONE Group Integrity and our growing family of professionals. You are a part of something bigger and we believe that everyONE and everyONE has a voice.